
Product Name:Isopropanol
   Product details
Synonyms: dimethyl methyl alcohol; 2 - propanol
English Name: iso-Propyl alcohol; isopropanol; Dimethylcarbinol; 2-Propanol commonly known as IPA
Molecular formula: C3H8O; (CH3) 2CHOH
It is the n-propanol CH3-CH2-CH2OH of the isomers.
InChI 1/CH4N2O/c2-1 (3) 4 / h (H4, 2,3,4) / f/h2-3H2
CAS No. 67-63-0
RTECS No. NT8050000
【Physical and Chemical Properties 】
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Molecular Weight: 60.07 g / mol
Density SpecificGravity: 0.78505 (Water = 1)
Properties: colorless, transparent volatile liquid. A mixture of ethanol and acetone like odor, the smell is not. The steam can be the eyes, nose and throat produce a small stimulation; be absorbed through the skin.
Solubility: soluble in water, alcohol, ether, benzene, chloroform and other most organic solvents.
With water, alcohol, ether immiscibility.
Azeotrope with water to form.
It is flammable vapors form explosive mixtures with air, explosive limit lower 2.5 vol.% Upper 12.7 vol.% (Volume) is a secondary explosive hazardous materials.
The steam can flow through a long rolling distances, and can produce tempered.
Vapor pressure (Pa): 92232 (80 ℃); 38463 (60 ℃); 1187 (0 ℃)
Viscosity of 2.86 cP at 15 ℃; 1.77 cP at 30 ℃
Viscosity mPas (20 ℃): 2.1
Boiling point BoilingPoint: 82.5 ℃ (180.5 ℃)
Melting point MeltingPoint: -88.5 ℃ (-127.3 ℃)
Critical point CriticalTemperature: 235 ℃ (455 ℃)
Ignition point: 425 ℃
Flash point 12 ℃ (closed cup)
Vapor density VaporDensity: 2.07 (Air Air = 1)
Vapor pressure VaporPressure: 4.4kPa (@ 20 ℃)
Gaseous molecular dipole moment 1.66 D
Toxicity: Toxic.
Refractive index: 1.3776
Odor: Pleasant.Odorresemblingthatofamixtureof
Taste: Bitter. (Slight.)
pH (1% soln / water): Notavailable.
Volatility: Notavailable.
OdorThreshold: 22ppm (Sittig, 1991) 700ppmforunadaptedpanelists (Verschuren, 1983).
Water / OilDist.Coeff.: Theproductisequallysolubleinoilandwater; log (oil / water) = 0.1
Ionicity (inWater): Notavailable.
DispersionProperties: Seesolubilityinwater, methanol, diethylether, n-octanol, acetone.
mp -88.5 ℃. bp82.5 ℃. Fp (closed cup) 53 ℃ (.7 ℉) n20D1.3772.
Toxicity LD50 (mg / kg): rat oral 5800.
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